Hello and welcome. I'll make this short and to the point ok? ... read on. Have you been to visit C.W.O.W.? If not...may I suggest you do just that and start at this page. The page that I am sending you to has the most wonderful picture that was designed by Cherise (Angel) Smoot. You'll see the art work is truely a blessing of it's own. Better yet; browse the C.W.O.W. site and just maybe you can join us. Hey...you do not and I repeat....you do NOT have to have a website; we will create you a page on the C.W.O.W. site. Interested? you'll see a dropdown menu that is great for viewing the entire site. You'll need to fill out a form if you don't have a site though; just a few minutes of your time it takes and it gives us a little info about you so that we can make your page something that you are a part of. Statement from cofounder/webmaster: THE C.W.O.W. FOUNDATION WAS FOUNDED IN JAN. 1999; GUIDED BY GOD AND 2 LADIES WITH A MISSION TO GIVE AND SEEK FELLOWSHIP TO OTHER CHRISTIAN WOMEN ON THE WEB. OUR WITH "OUR" MEANING EVERY MEMBER OWNS C.W.O.W. - I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT WITHOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU THIS FOUNDATION WOULD NOT BE HERE. I THANK GOD DEARLY FOR YOU ALL. |