This page will be created by you, you, and you. You see....what I have in mind is that everyone (well, almost) that sees this will email me with a THANK YOU GOD sentence. Got it? Please do; I'll post it here. Please no html; just a plain simple sentence like the one/ones below.
Submitted by Nette:
THANK YOU GOD for the Bible so that I know how to live my life in honor of you! THANK YOU GOD for organizations like CWOW that brings your word to the net! THANK YOU GOD for being such an AWESOME GOD!
Submitted by Nancze:
Submitted by Elaine THANK YOU GOD for all the blessings of life! Submitted by Donna THANK YOU GOD for delivering me from alcohol and drug addiction. THANK YOU GOD for giving me a grateful heart. Submitted: by Olga
Submitted by: Jan
Submitted by: DSHILL46@aol.com THANK YOU GOD for love shone to us in so many little ways Submitted by: Sienna THANK YOU GOD for giving us life so that we can enjoy all things. Submitted by: Lynette THANK YOU GOD for every breath I take. THANK YOU GOD for every sunrise I see.
Submitted by: Terri THANK YOU GOD for your many gifts and blessings! Submitted by: dam4855@gateway.net