In December of
98 I joined a webring for women. Being a woman was the only requirement. Well, each week
they would send out a list of new members and everyone was supposed to go and look at that
members site and at least sign the guestbook. Well...much to my surprise, there were MANY,
MANY non-believers in Jesus Christ. They worshiped a "higher power". (this hurt
me deeply) I guess I just never really thought about how it would effect me. Needless to
say, I started praying after I opened another website that had pagan, wiccan,
non-christian like graphics and they were actually PROUD of this. I still prayed for God
to send me direction actually more like guide me as to what I should do. Should I witness
to these non-believers? Well 'yes' was my first reaction. Then...I realized that God was
telling me to move on, there was something else where I was needed. That's when I met Angel. What a dear
sweet person she was. She was also praying for direction. Well the first thing that comes
into my mind is to just try and teach them about God. But you know what? They didn't want
to have anything to do with God. They had their 'higher power' (as they called 'it') and
were not interested in what I had to say and I should not condemn their
"religion". (this was taking it's toll on me) There was NO way I could think
that something so evil was godly. So, again I prayed. Eventually Angel and I formed a
wonderful bond. Sisters In Christ we are. And from this relationship has formed a
wonderful webring called Christian Women On The
Web Foundation. God found a purpose for me, something that actually helps ME as well
as others. Something that I truly believe in and something that I feel can reach many
other Christians that have found themselves in the same situation as I was. We do have a
few more requirements
in order to join the webring, but if your a Christian and are female then all you need to
do is join.
God has
blessed me so much. I am happy to rejoice & praise our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I have left
that webring that was for 'women'. Some were very angry and some didn't care. I pray for
them all each and every day for God to touch their hearts and perhaps then they would like
to join the CWOW webring.
Our mission with
the webring is to simply unite Christian Women On the Web. Across the world even. God is
my higher power and has always been. I only believe in one book and one God. The one that
sent his only son to die for our sins.
God Bless You and Yours
Grace is god's power to
keep you from falling. Keep the Faith. Resist the evil. Walk in grace. ~Cindie~